The Overview Tab

When creating a new resource or editing an existing one, the Overview tab is the first tab that will open.

The following fields are available on this tab:

This is the title that will be used for display on the Development Plan and Development History, and in the Course Catalog. This title will also be used in email notifications and on reports. The character limit for this field is 255.
Short Description
This is an optional field that appears only in the Browse Resources (View Catalog) listing for the resource, depending on the configuration of your system. This field is also available in the Ad Hoc Reporting tool. The character limit for this field is 445.
Course # / Reference #
This is an alternate field for the course number that appears in the Ad Hoc Reporting tool.  By default this is the system Resource ID for the learning resource. Depending on your system configuration, this field may or may not be visible to users. The character limit for this field is 128. The arrow to the right of the course # box allows you to check whether the course number is unique in your system.
Time Requirement
This sets the default time for the course.  It is also available to show in the Learning Plan and Learning History (if your organization has specified this during implementation), as well as in reporting.
Depending on your organization's policy in communicating, recording, and reporting the amount of time spent in training, it can either be left as 0:00 (e.g., "time in course" can be derived from an online course user's time in a course) or an hour and/or minute value specified (e.g., every user is assumed to spend the same amount of time in an instructor led course).
It is also used as the default time for a course enrollment in the Batch Load Enrollments process.
A policy should be set with all system administrators and reporters for use of this field, taking into consideration its appearance in the Learning Plan, Learning History, and reporting, and whether the course is online or instructor led training.
Minimum Training Time
This is an optional field and is often used for OSHA courses.  This field indicates the minimum amount of time a user must spend on the training.
Default Development Objective
This is an optional field.  Depending on the configuration of your system, the objective may appear on the user’s Development Plan/History
If desired and your system is configured for it, click on the arrow beside the Thumbnail field to upload a thumbnail for this resource, which will appear on the Course Description page.  This will open the Thumbnail Upload Manager.  Click the Update button and navigate to the desired thumbnail on your computer.  The thumbnail will display in the upload manager.  If desired, click on the Crop Tool button to adjust the size of the image or to rotate the image.  When selecting a thumbnail, try to use the optimal size of 256 x 310px to ensure a clear picture.  You can also click the Remove button to delete the thumbnail.

Resource Status
Active resources are visible in the Course Catalog and available for enrollment and reporting.  Inactive, In Development, and Retired courses are not visible or available for enrollment, but will be available for reporting.  A Retired course will be listed, but no longer be accessible, in a user's Development History screen.  As standard practice, if an administrator does not want a retired resource to be visible on users' Learning Plans, they must use the Manage Credit and Enrollment screen to revoke any outstanding enrollments.

Retiring a course makes it inaccessible from a user's Learning Plan/Development History, meaning that the course will not launch.  If a required course is incomplete (started but not completed), and then made inactive, it will become an elective course.  However, if this same course is retired, it will disappear from the user's plan altogether.  

The media type may be displayed on the Learning Plan/History and the display resource screen, and it may also be used in enrollment emails and in reporting. The list of items in the media drop-down box can be customized at any time through the Maintain Media Types screen. Note that if the selected resource requires class sessions, a facilitated media type must be selected.
A provider is typically the vendor of the course, and is used to classify resources for reporting. This list will be limited to those providers that are already entered for your organization. Additional providers can be added at any time on the Maintain Providers screen, under Tools in the console.
Use the drop-down box to select the approval rules for this resource from the following options.  You can use the system's default approval process, always require approval, or never require approval.  The default approval process is for the manager to approve elective training that has a cost or fee associated with it.
Allow Multiple Enrollment
Check this box to enable users to enroll and be granted credit in this resource multiple times. Leave this checkbox unchecked if users may enroll only once.
Review Only After Complete (Until Expiration Appearance)
This is only available if Multiple Enrollments is selected.  When this box is checked, clicking the previously completed course will cause it to launch in "Review Mode" rather than requiring the user to complete the course again.  If a user uses this option, a new enrollment for that course will NOT be created on each Review Mode launch.  Best practice is to always check this box for courses that Allow Multiple Enrollments.
OSHA Training Course
This indicates that the course is for purposes of online OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) training, and checking this box subjects that course to various OSHA rules.   Note that this check box is only enabled by LearnShare staff.  Contact LearnShare Support to ask about enabling this feature.
Enable Voice Proctoring
When a client's OSHA course requires that the learner, upon beginning the training, dial a phone number and repeat strings of numbers that they hear, the learner’s voice will be recorded.  At various points throughout the training (which takes hours), the learner is prompted to call again and repeat the process.  The purpose is to ensure that the same person is doing the training from beginning to end.  Note that this check box is only enabled by LearnShare staff.  Contact LearnShare Support to ask about enabling this feature.
Disallow launch after completion
Check this box to restrict users from being able to launch a completed course from their Learning History.  If left unchecked, users can launch a completed course to review the course content from their Learning History at any time.
Restrict Grant Credit
Restricts access to this resource to Company Administrators.  When this box is unchecked, any security role that has access to the Manage Credit and Enrollment screen will have access to the resource.  This restriction may be configured to include other security roles in addition to Company Administrators.
Bypass Shopping Cart
Check this box to suppress the shopping cart for resources that have a cost.  This option may not be available in all systems.

Related Links

To learn more about how to use each tab, select from the list below, or from the Help navigation tree.

The Description Tab

The Objectives Tab

The Details Tab

The On-Line tab

The Facilitated Tab

The Audience Tab

The Pricing Tab

The Metadata Tab