The Metadata Tab

The Metadata Tab includes several sub-tabs that can be used to describe the resource. All of these sub-tabs are optional.

Audience Description
Enter a brief description of the target audience. This description can be viewed on the Course Description page.
Location Description
Enter a description of where the course will occur. If configured, this description will appear on the Course Description page.
Time Description
Enter approximately how long the course will take. This description can be viewed on the Course Description page.
Enter any recommendations about the course for your users. If this tab is left blank, the Recommendations header will not be displayed on the Course Description page.
System Requirements
Enter any system requirements that your user needs to know in order to ensure the course will correctly display on their computer. If any applications/settings are checked in the Plug-In Detection area, below the description, the LMS will check to see if the user’s computer has the appropriate settings. The LMS will alert the user to any necessary application or setting that is missing. If this tab is left blank, the System Requirements header will not be displayed on the Course Description page.
When a user searches for a course in the catalog, by default the LMS will search by any word that appears in the Course Title or Course Description. Use the keywords field for any other terms that a user may use to search for this course. All words should be separated with a comma.

If a word that is in the course description or title is commonly misspelled, you may want to enter the misspelled version of that word in the Keyword field.

Related Links

To learn more about how to use each tab, select from the list below or from the Help navigation tree.

The Overview Tab

The Description Tab

The Objectives Tab

The Details Tab

The On-Line tab

The Facilitated Tab

The Audience Tab

The Pricing Tab