The Description Tab

Use the Description tab to enter the course description that will show on the Display Resource screen.

The rich text editor on this page allows you to include images, link to documents, external websites, and embed videos. See the section on the rich text editor for detailed instructions on how to use all of the available options.

Globalization Options

If a resource description needs to be available in other languages than English, while editing the Description tab, click the Culture drop-down in the upper right-hand corner of the editor.

Select a new language, for example Dutch, and type the Dutch text into the Rich Text Editor panel. Make sure you save before selecting a new language.
An asterisk will appear next to the culture for which you just entered description text. Cultures without an asterisk have not had custom text entered into the system.

Users who log in under the Dutch culture will now see the Dutch translation of the description in the course catalog.


All of the available translations of a course will be listed under that same resource ID.  If a translation is not available in a user's culture/language, the system will default to the English language course.

This description is a rich text field, which can contain images and formatting.  For more information about formatting your description, refer to Using the Rich Text Editor.

Related Links

To learn more about how to use each tab, select from the list below, or from the Help navigation tree.

The Overview Tab

The Objectives Tab

The Details Tab

The On-Line tab

The Facilitated Tab

The Audience Tab

The Pricing Tab

The Metadata Tab