
The Required Course Notifications are specialized notifications specifically designed to work with required course audiences. To access the required course notifications, go to Resources > Maintain Learning Resources and select a resource with a required audience. The Required Course Notifications tab can be found within the Maintain Learning Resources screen.

If you want to use Required Course Notifications, they must be set up and manually enabled for each selected resource. There is no “system default” for these notification types. The Required Course notifications are the only way to inform users of a required resource. If the Required Notification is not used, learners will not know that they are required to complete a required course.

When setting up these notifications, it is also important to remember that required notifications are queued and sent during the evening, Eastern Standard Time. So if a notification is set to go out on January 1, it will go out that evening, meaning that many users may not see it until the morning of January 2.

Audience requirements for Required Course Notifications

Only users who are active, have a valid email address in the system, and are in the required course audience will be able to receive a required course notification.

A required audience can be created by:

Use the “Total Size of Required Audience” link, located on the Required Notifications tab, to view the exact size of the required audience for the selected resource.

More detailed information on exactly who is part of the required audience can be found of the Audience tab of the resource or mapping curricula, where the required audience was created.

Related Links

Setting up Required Notifications

Required Notifications - Tips & Tricks